We are proud to present two technical papers at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC)!
“Analysis of Carbon Footprint Applied to Conceptual Engineering of Offshore Production Units” proposes an innovative modeling methodology to quantify Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in offshore production facilities.
“A Model-Based System Metaheuristic Engineering (MBSME) Approach in the Conceptual Selection of Offshore Production Units” presents the latest R&D achievements addressing the automatic and integrated conceptual design and selection of offshore systems architectures.
This research was executed in partnership between Deep Seed Solutions, Shell, and Repsol Sinopec Brasil.
We would like to acknowledge Repsol Sinopec Brasil, Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda. and ANP – Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis, for the support and investments in RD&I.
Please join us within the technical sessions at OTC Houston 2021!